How to
cast your seeding vote:
the record and roster forms located on the
"Record & Roster" link of our website.
Carefully consider all of the information
contained in those files (you may want input
from coaches, opponents or even an online
search to find out more about each
tournament team), then click the "Seed
Teams Now"
link found on the "Seeding" page.
Seed the teams in the order you believe
they've earned. This will only work if the
Athletic Directors or designated
representative from each member school do
their best to seed accurately based on what
each team has earned. Not on whether it is
your school or based on desired matchups
etc. We are a "Christian" association and
our honest effort at seeding should reflect
those values! A copy of the final
seeding vote results will be posted online.
NOTE: The below
Seeding Form links will not be active until
tournament time